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✒️Las apps de SAP Fiori para el módulo SAP MM

Las apps de SAP Fiori para el módulo SAP MM

Las apps de SAP Fiori para el módulo SAP MM

1. Introduction to SAP FIORI Logistics Applications for SAP S/4HANA

General Information about SAP FIORI Applications for the MM Module

The introduction of SAP Fiori applications for the MM module has significantly enhanced the resources available to users. SAP incorporated the concept of "User Experience" (UX) to ensure that these applications not only change the way tasks are performed but also provide quick, friendly, and focused access to routine tasks.

Always remember that user access is associated with traditional Roles or authorizations when accessing resources and information from the SAP GUI, ensuring complete protection and limitations as in the traditional environment. It's beneficial to have numerous resources available, even if not all are used frequently.

User Environment Configuration

The "Procurement Process" involves a sequence of complementary tasks performed by different users. Thus, access to applications can be configured according to each user's needs and in the most suitable order, fully embodying the concept of "User Experience".

Access to Reports and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for the MM Module

The innovative structure of the SAP HANA database allows extremely fast access to data and calculations, enabling the development of Fiori applications that provide access to a wide range of reports and global results previously unavailable or requiring ABAP programming.

The continuously growing number of available applications offers increasingly varied and optimal data access. It is essential to grasp the basic concepts and practice using these applications, then stay updated with new features from SAP to remain at the forefront.

2. SAP FIORI Applications for the Procurement Process and Data Masters

  • Detailed Stages of the Procurement Process: We will analyze SAP Fiori applications associated with the documents in the "Procurement Process," exploring the most relevant ones as examples to illustrate the available Fiori applications for each stage.
  • Detailed Information about MM Module Data Masters: This section will examine Fiori applications related to managing "Materials" and "Suppliers." Given the numerous Fiori applications available, the lesson will highlight some and analyze their functionalities, main data, and improvements over SAP GUI transactions.

3. SAP FIORI Applications for Data Masters

Material Master Applications

As this is the first segment of Fiori applications we will analyze, we will provide a detailed overview, including various applications and data analysis.

Observing the descriptions of the applications, we identify functionalities related to:

  • Creation of materials (Transaction MM01)
  • Modification of materials (Transaction MM02)
  • Viewing modification documents (generic transaction for modifications)
  • Changing material prices (Transaction MR21)
  • Mass updating of materials (Transaction MM17)
  • Viewing materials (Transaction MM03)

By accessing the "Modify Material" application, you can manage and view the associated information, ensuring it matches what is available in the SAP GUI environment.

Improved and New Material Master Applications

We will explore a new Fiori application for "Material Valuation Management," which simplifies access to and analysis of material information.

Applications for stock status analysis are also available, offering functionalities like:

  • Viewing stock for multiple materials (Transaction MB52)
  • Viewing stock for a single material (Transaction MMBE)
  • Viewing stock in transit (Transaction MB52 with the corresponding option)
  • Viewing blocked stock (Transaction MB52 with the corresponding option)
  • Viewing low-turnover stock (No SAP GUI equivalent)

These Fiori applications provide significant analytical value, producing results that in SAP GUI might require complex ABAP developments.

Supplier Master Applications

This segment presents and analyzes various Fiori applications for managing Suppliers. In SAP S/4HANA, "Suppliers" and "Customers" are integrated into a single entity called "Business Partner."

Applications for managing Supplier data include:

  • Creating, copying, modifying, viewing, and exporting supplier lists (Transactions XK01/02/03)
  • Confirming supplier lists (accounting) (Transactions XK05/XK06 - with improved options)
  • Supplier account groups (only accessible via transaction SPRO)

Practical resources unique to Fiori applications, such as filters, activity history, information sharing, and screen configuration, significantly enhance user tasks compared to SAP GUI.

New or Improved Supplier Master Applications

To illustrate the broad capabilities of Fiori applications, we will discuss new resources offered in this environment.

  • Application for Managing Questions: This sophisticated application allows users to ask the system questions about its information using simple selection criteria.
  • Application for Viewing Scorecards: The application provides a presentation of Supplier evaluations and access to their data, significantly improving over the SAP GUI transactions for Supplier evaluations (Transactions ME61/62/63/64/6A).

Business Partner Master Data Applications

The following applications are associated with managing Business Partner data, emphasizing the concept of "Business Partner."

Applications include:

  • Updating Business Partner data (create, modify, view) (BP)
  • Managing Business Partner data (improved BP)

Pay attention to the details presented in the examples and use the Fiori environment to access similar procedures, enhancing your knowledge of the data segments and information contained within them.

4. Managing Purchase Requests

Management of Purchase Requisitions

General Fiori applications for managing Purchase Requisitions are available, providing significant improvements over the SAP GUI. Users can select a "Purchase Requisition" using filters like document number, plant, purchasing group, purchasing organization, material group, and processing status.

Management of Purchase Orders

Fiori applications for managing Purchase Orders provide various resources for accessing and analyzing order information. Functions include:

  • Procurement summary: Offers numerous results about order management, such as item status, supplier performance, and purchasing costs.
  • Purchase order management: Allows creating, modifying, and viewing purchase orders with a variety of filters to easily locate the desired documents.

These applications offer significant advantages, providing detailed analysis and easy access to information that would otherwise require complex ABAP developments in SAP ECC.

Management of Goods Movements

Given the diversity of tasks required by this type of activity, numerous Fiori applications are available with various functionalities. Below is a list of applications associated with this procedure.

Fiori Application for "Goods Movement Management"

  • Material Document Summary: This application provides a list of material documents (material movements) according to the filters defined at the top of the screen. Pay attention to the available filters, as they reflect one of the advantages of using Fiori applications, which significantly facilitates the user's work. Take some time to enter and analyze the application and its functionalities, as you will gain valuable resources.
  • Post Goods Receipt for Purchase Order: This functionality allows the entry of goods and the automatic posting of their values to the corresponding accounts.
  • Stock Transfer: This functionality allows the registration of a document that formalizes the transfer of materials from one center to another. Given the diverse resources of the Fiori applications, we will analyze this in detail.

Step-by-Step Stock Transfer

Step 1: Entering the Application and Filling in Required Data

  • Enter the material and center information.

Step 2: Specifying Stock Type

  • Specify the type of stock to be transferred.

Step 3: Indicating Quantity and Posting Date

  • Specify the quantity to be transferred and the posting date. Ensure that the period in which the transfer data will be posted is open.

Step 4: Completing the Transfer

  • Click the "Post" button to register the transfer document. Once correctly completed, a screen will indicate the number of the created document.

  • Post Goods Movements: This is a web-based replication of the "MIGO" transaction, reflecting similar activities available in the traditional "MIGO" transaction.
  • Material Document Output: This functionality allows for the output (e.g., printing) of a material document. Key data requested includes:
    • Output type
    • Transmission medium
    • Material documents (number and period)
  • Stock Transfer Between Centers: This functionality enables the transfer of goods between centers by specifying the material and involved centers. Key data entered include:
    • Receiving center
    • Quantity to be transferred
    • Document dates (document and posting)
    • Additional descriptive texts
    • Given the variety of options in "Goods Movement" activities, it is recommended to explore these functionalities and incorporate the knowledge and practices of their possibilities, associating them with the familiar SAP GUI environment.

Management of Vendor Invoices

A set of Fiori applications for managing vendor invoices is presented below. We will analyze some of them in detail.

Fiori Application for "Vendor Invoice Management"

  • Create Vendor Invoice: This application allows for the verification and registration of a vendor invoice. Although it shares a significant similarity with the SAP GUI version, we will analyze each screen section and its data to help you get familiar with this different environment.
  • Invoice Registration - Header Data: The header data doesn't require extensive comments, except to note any highlighted areas indicating issues such as the "Posting Date" not belonging to the open FI period.
  • Invoice Registration - Reference Order and Item Data: Key data includes the order(s) referenced for the invoice and the pending items for invoicing.
  • Invoice Registration - Payment Terms: This section specifies the payment terms, the base date for calculating the due date, and the payment method used with the applicable vendor.
  • Invoice Registration - Attached File: This final document section enables the attachment of a reference file associated with the invoice.
  • Viewing and Printing Vendor Invoices: These functionalities allow for the viewing and printing of vendor invoices, reflecting data presentation similar to the SAP GUI environment.
  • Release Vendor Invoice: This functionality allows for the release of one or more vendor invoices for payment by the Accounts Payable department. The process can be done manually or automatically.

5. Fiori Application for "Purchase Process Flow Analysis"

This application provides a graphical and didactic sequence of documents associated with a purchase process, including "Order," "Goods Receipt," "Invoice Receipt," and module documents like "Accounting Document" and "Payment Document." By double-clicking on the desired document, details of the documents can be viewed.




Sobre el autor

Publicación académica de Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango, en su ámbito de estudios para la Carrera Consultor en SAP Fiori.

SAP Expert

Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango

Profesión: Ingeniero de Sistemas y Computación - España - Legajo: SW34C

✒️Autor de: 149 Publicaciones Académicas

🎓Cursando Actualmente: Consultor en SAP Fiori

🎓Egresado de los módulos:

Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime


Ingeniero de sistemas y computación con 8 años de experiencia el desarrollo frontend & backend (react/node) y en cloud (aws), actualmente desarrollando habilidades en sap btp, ui5, abap y fiori.

Certificación Académica de Jaime Gomez

✒️+Comunidad Académica CVOSOFT

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*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Expert

1. Introduction to SAP FIORI Logistics Applications for SAP S/4HANA General Information about SAP FIORI Applications for the MM Module The introduction of SAP Fiori applications for the MM module has significantly enhanced the resources available to users. SAP incorporated the concept of "User Experience" (UX) to ensure that these applications not only change the way tasks are performed but also provide quick, friendly, and focused access to routine tasks. Always remember that user access is associated with traditional Roles or authorizations when accessing resources and information from the SAP GUI, ensuring complete protection and limitations as in the traditional environment. It's beneficial to have numerous resources available,...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

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Creación de materiales MM01 Modificación de materiales MM02 Modificación del precio de materiales MR21 Actualización en masa de materiales MM17 Visualización de materiales MM03 Maestro de Materiales: Consulta del stock de varios materiales MB52 Consulta el stock de un material MMBE Consulta de stock en transito MB52 Consulta de stock bloqueado MB52 Consulta de stock con baja rotación (Nueva en SAP Fiori) Maestro de Proveedores: Maestro de proveedores XK01/02/03 Confirmar lista de proveedores XK05/XK06 Grupo de cuentas de proveedores SPRO

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*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

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Transacciones mas utilizadas en SAP MM. A - Maestros de Materiales : MM01 : Creación de materiales. MM02 : Modificación de materiales. MR21 : Modificación del precio de materiales. MM17 : Actualización en masa de materiales. MM03 : Visualización de materiales. *Supervisión de Stocks : MB52 : Consulta de stock de varios materiales. Consulta de stock en tránsito. Consulta de stock bloqueado. MMBE : Consulta de stock de un material. B - Maestro de Proveedores : XK01-02-03 : Crear, copiar con referencia, modificar, visualizar y exportar lista. XK05-XK06 : Confirmar lista de proveedores (Contable - Confirmación o rechazo) SPRO : Grupo de cuentas de proveedores. * Evaluación...

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*** CVOSOFT - Nuestros Alumnos - Nuestro Mayor Orgullo como Academia ***

SAP Senior

Esperiencia de usuario UX Gestion de pago determinacion de necesidades creacion solicitud de pedidos control de la factura liberacion solicitud de pedido entrada de mercancia determinacion fuente de adquisicion liberacion del pedido gestion del pedido selección del proveedor Maestros materiales proveedores MR21 MM17 MM0X Supervisión de stocks MB52 MMBE MB52 Business partner o interlocutor comercial Filtros Historial de actividades Configuración Gestión de pedidos

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