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📘ABAP - Expand_fieldname

Selector Alummnos / Empresas

Definición de Expand_fieldname

Es un campo de la estructura estándar SLIS_LAYOUT_ALV que se utiliza para expandir un reporte ALV jerárquico.

Veamos a continuación como es la estructura de SLIS_LAYOUT_ALV definida dentro del TYPE-POOL SLIS:

types: begin of slis_layout_main,


       end of slis_layout_main.


types: begin of slis_layout_alv_spec0,

         no_colhead(1) type c,         " no headings

         no_hotspot(1) type c,         " headings not as hotspot

         zebra(1) type c,              " striped pattern

         no_vline(1) type c,           " columns separated by space

         no_hline(1) type c,        "rows separated by space B20K8A0N5D

         cell_merge(1) type c,         " not suppress field replication

         edit(1) type c,               " for grid only

         edit_mode(1) type c,          " for grid only

         numc_sum(1)     type c,       " totals for NUMC-Fields possib.

         no_input(1) type c,           " only display fields

         f2code like sy-ucomm,                              "

         reprep(1) type c,             " report report interface active

         no_keyfix(1) type c,          " do not fix keycolumns

         expand_all(1) type c,         " Expand all positions

         no_author(1) type c,          " No standard authority check

*        PF-status

         def_status(1) type c,         " default status  space or 'A'

         item_text(20) type c,         " Text for item button

         countfname type lvc_fname,

       end of slis_layout_alv_spec0.


types: begin of slis_layout_alv_spec1,

*        Display options

         colwidth_optimize(1) type c,

         no_min_linesize(1) type c,    " line size = width of the list

         min_linesize like sy-linsz,   " if initial min_linesize = 80

         max_linesize like sy-linsz,   " Default 250

         window_titlebar like sy-title,

         no_uline_hs(1) type c,

*        Exceptions

         lights_fieldname type slis_fieldname," fieldname for exception

         lights_tabname type slis_tabname, " fieldname for exception

         lights_rollname like dfies-rollname," rollname f. exceptiondocu

         lights_condense(1) type c,    " fieldname for exception

*        Sums

         no_sumchoice(1) type c,       " no choice for summing up

         no_totalline(1) type c,       " no total line

         no_subchoice(1) type c,       " no choice for subtotals

         no_subtotals(1) type c,       " no subtotals possible

         no_unit_splitting type c,     " no sep. tot.lines by inh.units

         totals_before_items type c,   " diplay totals before the items

         totals_only(1) type c,        " show only totals

         totals_text(60) type c,       " text for 1st col. in total line

         subtotals_text(60) type c,    " text for 1st col. in subtotals

*        Interaction

         box_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname for checkbox

         box_tabname type slis_tabname," tabname for checkbox

         box_rollname like dd03p-rollname," rollname for checkbox

         expand_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag 'expand'

         hotspot_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " fieldname flag hotspot

         confirmation_prompt,          " confirm. prompt when leaving

         key_hotspot(1) type c,        " keys as hotspot " K_KEYHOT

         flexible_key(1) type c,       " key columns movable,...

         group_buttons(1) type c,      " buttons for COL1 - COL5

         get_selinfos(1) type c,       " read selection screen

         group_change_edit(1) type c,  " Settings by user for new group

         no_scrolling(1) type c,       " no scrolling

*        Detailed screen

         detail_popup(1) type c,       " show detail in popup

         detail_initial_lines(1) type c, " show also initial lines

         detail_titlebar like sy-title," Titlebar for detail

*        Display variants

         header_text(20) type c,       " Text for header button

         default_item(1) type c,       " Items as default

*        colour

         info_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " infofield for listoutput

         coltab_fieldname type slis_fieldname, " colors

*        others

         list_append(1) type c,       " no call screen

         xifunckey type aqs_xikey,    " eXtended interaction(SAPQuery)

         xidirect type flag,          " eXtended INTeraction(SAPQuery)

         dtc_layout type dtc_s_layo,  "Layout for configure the Tabstip

         allow_switch_to_list(1) type c, "ACC: Switch from FullGrid to List

       end of slis_layout_alv_spec1.


types: begin of slis_layout_alv_spec.

include type slis_layout_alv_spec0.

include type slis_layout_alv_spec1.

types: end of slis_layout_alv_spec.


types: begin of slis_layout_alv.

include type slis_layout_main.

include type slis_layout_alv_spec.

types: end of slis_layout_alv.




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