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📘SAP FIORI - Xmlhttprequest

Selector Alummnos / Empresas

Definición de Xmlhttprequest

es un objeto JavaScript que fue diseñado por Microsoft y adoptado por Mozilla, Apple y Google. Actualmente es un estándar de la W3C . Proporciona una forma fácil de obtener información de una URL sin tener que recargar la página completa. A pesar de su nombre, XMLHttpRequest puede ser usado para recibir cualquier tipo de dato, no sólo XML, y admite otros formatos además de HTTP (incluyendo file y ftp).




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SAP Expert

How to Work with Asynchronous Code in SAPUI5? Asynchrony is one of the fundamental pillars of JavaScript. By understanding these concepts, we can apply them in our code to write better applications. We can have input and output operations of the following types: Synchronous and Blocking: The entire operation is done at once, blocking the execution flow. The thread is blocked while waiting, and the response is processed immediately after the operation is completed. Synchronous and Non-Blocking: Similar to the previous type, but uses some polling technique to avoid blocking in the first phase. The call returns immediately, the thread is not blocked, and successive attempts are needed until the operation is complete. The response is processed...

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Creado y Compartido por: Jaime Eduardo Gomez Arango / Disponibilidad Laboral: FullTime + Carta Presentación

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